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Shining Piper(Colorful Edition )
The Shining Piper is the best instrument for children or beginners in the market today. Although its design is sure to dazzle the eye and excite any child, it is a serious instrument and a great learning tool. The model pictured above (wooden finish) is the only version to offer a variety of color choices for the crystals attached to the keys. All of the other (colored) versions of the Shining Piper come with clear crystals only.Incredibly cute young player joined GUO players family.
She is only 3 years old!
Shining piper is the great choice for young lerner!Retail Price : USD 120.- exc.VAT
傳統長笛材料重量與手感尺寸,對於兒童音樂學習一直是無法跨越的門檻, FiFe+具備了良好的手感,全音與半音設計,與長笛相同吹口設計、方便的按鍵系統,讓孩子們快速學習音樂,再銜接傳統長笛達到無接縫學習效果。
FiFe+新型按鍵系統設計使得年幼吹奏者安心操作手指與音孔的密合,好發聲的吹口孔設計讓初學者的發音正確 ,大幅提升老師教學效率與孩子學習樂趣。
FiFe+卓越設計成為優異的音樂入門樂器, FiFe+適合童謠、各國民謠、行進樂隊與舞台專業演出的專業樂器! FiFe+承襲fife悠久歷史,以現代製笛技術使之更為完美。這是革命性新產品!透過FiFe+推廣成功可以倍數成長長笛人口。