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Friday, 28 June 2013 00:00

Oiartzungo Flautu Taldea

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inakiThe Flute Group”I.F.T.”of Oiartzun was founded in 1993 thanks to the enthusiasm of the flute teacher, Ignacio Gurruchaga Azpiazu, with the support of the then Director of the Music School of Ibargain, I.A.
This proved to be a motivation for the Music School and especially fort the flute class. Since the students saw that their studies had a projection not only in the school concerts but also further a field.

This Flute group is very unusual because is made up of 20 flutes, piano and accordeon. The members of the group are all students between the ages of 11 and 25. Since its creation more than fifty flute sutdents from the Music School of Ibargain. It is the only Flute Group in the state totally composed of students which has a permanent nature.

This Group is working on many external projects, receiving many requests to perform in institutions due to its unusual components: Cultural Clubs, Town Halls, schools, museums etc. The Group has perfomed in the Basque country and Navarra and has recorded four CDs: the first of classical and basque music, the second chirstmas music, the third film sountracks and the fourth tangos, walses, etc. It is working on a fifth which is to be of music from the “60”s. In addition to this it forms an active part of the social life of Oiartzun.

During the academic year 2004-2005 the group perfomed on more than 20 occacions. The most significant took place in the Disneyland Park in Paris as part of the concerts Disney Magic Music Days, after succeeding in a rigorous selection process amongst groups from all over the world.

During 2006 the group has perfomed in the “musical tasters” organised by the Band of the music during the cultural week in Oiarzun to celebrate Chirstmas and RV-1006-37the traditional festivities of “Caldereros e Iñudes” in San Sebastian as part of the Spring Concert Recital. Also, it gave two concerts in the Austrian cities of Innsbruck and Salzburg in April as part of the Mozart Year celebrations.

In addition the group has performed as part of the concerts “Paseos musicales” in the Chillida Leku Museum” Hernani.

During Easter 2007 it offered two concerts in Germany in Aachen and Heidelberg. In May an educational concert in Erain-txiki school in Irun was given as part of the celebration fo its 25th Anniversaru. It participated in the “Korrika kulturala” as it passed through Oiartzun, also 2 June took part in a promotional day for the town of Oiartzun and 18 June gave a concert in Caja Navarra, Renteria branch.

RV-1006-39In 2008, the group ferformed in the Irun branch of Caja Navarra and during Easter week toured Italy offering two concerts. Also that year it gave a concert in the Witches museum of Zugarramurdi, gave an eductional concert in the Elizalde school of Oiartzun and 19 April performed in the Boulevard of San Sebastian as part of the group of Spring Concerts organised by the town of San Sebastian.

Also, 24 May it performed in Oiartzun offering its traditional end of year concert, in June. It december it gave a concert as part fo the Eresbil concerts of Renteria, archive of Basque composers and the traditional Christmas concerts in Oiartzun.

The group began 2009 with a concert in the conservatory auditorium of Irun organised by the Town Hall officials. During Easter of that year the group travelled to Namur, Belgium, where they offered a concert organised by the international tourist office. In june a concert was given in the sala kutxa of San Sebastian, as part RV-1006-38a of the programmed activities for”Donostia capital Europea 2016” September of that year saw two concerts offered in Renteria and Donostia, sponsored by caja Navarra.In November the group travelled to Toledo invited by the local Music School.

Since 25 February 2009, thanks to an agreement with the Town Hall of Oiartzun, this group changed its nam to O.F.T.

In 2010 it offered varius concerts, of which stand out that of March, in the Auditorium of the conservatoryu “J.G.” in Vitoria, in Bilbao Musika with the choir of the Music School, in Castelldefels (Barcelona) in Budapest (Hungary) and in Verona (Italy).

During 2011the group perfomed in Galdakano with the choir of the Bilbao Musika School and in the auditorium of the conservatory of Irun. The yearly trip RV-1006-40included Colmar and Eurodisney. It also gave a concet in Calpe, as part of the Music Festival of the Mediterramean. It inagurated the Beer Festival of Oiartzun.
Future projects include: Valladolid, Zaragoza and Goizueta.
The director and teacher of the group remain since its foundation Ignacio Gurruchaga Azpiazu.






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